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Our Accommodation

Rodney House is situated in a conservation area of Georgian and Victorian buildings within walking distance of the city centre of Liverpool. Both the Anglican and Catholic cathedrals are close by.


Our accommodation offers all the facilities to ensure comfort and care.  All rooms are single, although a number of rooms are large enough to accommodate married couples or others wishing to share. Larger bedrooms have full en-suite facilities.


There are two dedicated smoking rooms. Smoking is not permitted in bedrooms or any other part of the home.


T.V. points are fitted in all bedrooms and a lift provides easy access to upstairs toilets, bathrooms and bedrooms. Call systems are fitted in all bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms, dining rooms and lounges.


There are three lounges for residents to choose from and enjoy either T.V., music, hobbies or just a quiet place to sit.


We have installed a brand new sensory room, fully equipped with Alexa. The lighting changes to help influence a positive mood. Alexa also reads stories and plays calming meditation for those who wish for some relaxation. 


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We aim to make every stay as homely and comfortable as possible.


Highly trained and qualified staff is on duty and on call 24 hours a day. All staff employed either holds a Care Certificate or is training to achieve it. The home maintains a strong emphasis on staff training.


Rodney House is a Specialist Residential Care Home which caters for 57 Residents. Current services are for People with Physical Disability and People with Mental Health Disorders including alcohol dependency. 


Prospective Residents who are referred have a thorough assessment completed by the Home Manager or Director of Care prior to any offer of a place.


Each prospective Residents is provided with the Residents Guide which outlines their terms and conditions. They are also informed that they may see, should they so wish, the homes Statement of Purpose and Inspection Reports.


When it is decided that a person is suitable and they agree to come into the home they will be asked to sign an agreement signifying that they understand and agree to Rodney House terms and conditions. Including complying with all Health and Safety requirments.


The prospective Residents will be invited to initially stay for a trial period.  Throughout this time the Home Manager will liaise with the Director of Care and the appropriate specialists and agencies regarding the Residents individual health and social care issues and their suitability for remaining at Rodney House  



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Privacy and dignity

We recognise the intrinsic values of people regardless of their circumstances by respecting their uniqueness and personal needs, their right to be undisturbed and free from attention.  We believe these values have to be promoted by leadership and example. We have an open and supportive culture regardless of their ethnicity, age, race, sexual identify, sex, LGBTQ status or any other perceived barrier. We have specialist workers and staff on hand who will help guide and support each individual with any area of their needs. 

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Smoking and Alcohol 

Rodney House promotes healthy lifestyles.  A copy of the smoking and alcohol policies are available from the Home Manager on request. The home has two designated smoking area’s, which are clearly marked.  The smoking and alcohol policies are essential. Smoking throughout the building is a serious issue and is not permitted. We have excellent links with recovery services and self hep groups for those experiencing alcoholism or addiction. 



Subject to Environmental Health Compliance, risk assessment and capacity, pets are permitted by arrangement with the Home Manager.


The fees charged are dependent on the type of care package and needs of the individual. Fees are reviewed annually in line with Social Services rates. Depending on the individual’s financial situation, a Resident can either pay the fees privately or benefits will be arranged through Social Services.


The current rules can be complicated and specific advice is available from a Social Worker or from the Home Manager. If the Resident is unable or does not wish to control his or her own financial affairs he/she should arrange for a relative, representative, legal adviser, bank manager, or accountant to do so on his/her behalf. 


The Owner and Manager will not become involved in the management of the Residents financial affairs, unless the above arrangements are unable to be made.


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

 Address. Rodney House, 4-6 Canning Street, Liverpool, L8 7NP

Tel. 0151 709 8338

CQC Provider ID 1-101642863

Certificate Number:  CRT1-492480075

Location ID:  1-113844775

EBS Services Limited. Company Registration Number 4250610

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